Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Forms of Mediums

In our research project, both visual and literate forms of medium will be used to present facts and ideas of our topic. In terms of producing images of the people and events, we could use camera and video taper to obtain a vivid visualization of our researching subjects. The drawback of merely using such recording method alone is an image often cannot tell the full story and its logic behind it. It is limited in one fragment moment of time, which might prevent us from viewing the entire picture of the event. Although videotape contains more fluidity in time than pictures, it also lacks explanation of why and how the events happen this way instead of in another.
Literate form of medium is definitely a good way to communicate ideas and discuss opinions. It is more subjective compare to visual presentation. We as researchers can interpret our observations and convert them into insights of our own. However, the downside of such device also lies under its subjectivity. The facts about the events and people might be distorted by the researchers’ own perspectives and therefore cause bias. Simply recording what happened and what they see without preference is psychological impossible; therefore, Literate form of medium might not be as accurate in presenting facts as visual images.
It is hard to classify what exactly type of audiences the research will be aiming towards, because there might be multiple groups of people who share the same interest in the research topic. Yet as far as research goes, its intended audience would be academic scholars who review the project in an intellectual context where the ideas and opinions are valued based on the facts and evidences you present. Therefore, both forms of mediums are great devices in communicating with the audience.

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