Monday, May 12, 2008

?Questions for Mieke Bal?

“Tradition” – Bal
1. Is tradition changed by people as much as people follow it? Take the example of the Dutch Zwarte Piet, do we choose to follow it or change it? How to follow or change it? For what purpose do we need to do so?

As I read through the article, I wonder why a tradition passed down for holiday ceremony is attacked by the same reason that it was inspired of. Does that necessarily mean out society has became more moralistic or just “politically correct” without explicitly calling white good and black evil. If we had to diminish such tradition, are we really destroying our cultural value or are we reforming it into a more modernized context?

Telling, Showing, Showing Off
2. Compare to the real world out there, Museum is a less natural setting in terms of its organization and purpose. What is some unavoidable unnaturalness about museums and how do they hinder/help to exhibit the nature of human society?

Bal talks about how nature is manifested with the space organizations and exhibition patterns in the museums. It helps me to see the connection between space and culture, but I wonder as unnatural as its purpose of showing it all at one place intends to be, how is a museum setting able to integrate past and present, human and animals, Asia and Europe all together with a flow of naturalness.

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